Celebrating Lincoln, 2024 Kansas City CMN Market Champion!
Lincoln Costello is our proud 2024 Kansas City CMN Market Champion and has been serving in this role for two years. Each year, a KU Medical Center pediatric patient is selected to serve as the Market Champion for the year. The Champion represents CMN at community events, fundraisers, and is even featured on all of the point-of-sale register signage for our corporate partner campaigns.
Lincoln has served as our Market Champion for two years! Although this is not a customary practice, Lincoln began to find his own voice when it comes to sharing his medical journey at KU Medical Center in a very real, funny, and uniquely “Lincoln” way, we could not let him go after just one year. He has made such an impact with our fundraising partners!
Lincoln was a patient of the University of Kansas Medical Center even before he came into this world. He was born happy and healthy. At the age of two, Lincoln was tested for an expressive language delay. While these initial therapies helped, his parents knew this did not fully explain what was going on with Lincoln. At that point, they brought him to the Center for Childhood Development at KU Medical Center where he was diagnosed with autism. With his therapy team at the Bridge Clinic, Lincoln became more verbally and socially interactive. They even helped him work through the process of getting his hair cut, which was an enormous obstacle for him over the years. Through hours and hours of hard work, Lincoln has become a fun and articulate boy who is obsessed with video games, always has something interesting to say and a great sense of humor. You cannot help but smile being around him!
Thank you to Lincoln and his family for all that they do to support CMN. It has been another great year having Lincoln and his family represent KU Medical Center Children’s Miracle Network!