Meet Ashley Dugan, Director of Mental and Behavioral Health Operations
Children’s Miracle Network is proud to partner with Ashely Dugan and the wonderful staff at Marillac to fund important pediatric mental healthcare initiatives. Ashley has a servant’s heart and a passion for spreading the message of the importance of mental and behavioral health.
Originally from Wichita, Ashley began her journey in the mental health field after working at a local mental health center with children over a summer while in college. After starting that job, she switched her major from marketing to social work at Pittsburg State University and has continued to work in the pediatric mental health space ever since. She attended The University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. She obtained a master’s degree in social work in 2014 and is currently working on completing a Master of Health Services Administration from KU Medical Center.
Ashley joined Marillac in 2014 as a Mental and Behavioral Health Admissions and Assessment Manager and as of January, has been promoted to the Director of Mental and Behavioral Health Operations at both The University of Kansas Health System Marillac and Strawberry Hill campuses. The Strawberry Hill campus provides adults with inpatient behavioral health hospitalization while the Marillac campus focuses on inpatient mental health care for children ages 4 to 17.

Every day at Marillac, Ashley sees firsthand the toll that mental illnesses and behavioral challenges have on pediatric patients and their families. These patients are admitted in a time of crisis and because of the amazing continuum of care they receive along with the support of dedicated medical staff, Ashely sees firsthand the transformation of patients who leave as she states, “with a smile on their face and a heart filled with hope.” To Ashley, this is not only the very best feeling but the most rewarding part of her job. She also works hard to ensure that equitable care can be accessed at a rate that is affordable for everyone. Although it is a challenge, it is one she will never stop fighting for.
Children’s Miracle Network has funded a variety of projects at the Marillac campus, including a guitar lab to help patients express themselves through music, iPads to aid in communication and engagement in treatments as well as a staff relaxation room to give staff some time to rejuvenate. Ashley is always willing and ready to share the work of Marillac with our CMN partners and show them firsthand the difference their fundraising is making in the lives of every child who walks through their doors.
In her free time, Ashley loves spending time with her parents in Toronto, Kansas. Together, they enjoy boating, gardening, tending to their chickens, and harvesting pecans from their 100-year-old pecan orchard. She has the privilege and joy of being an aunt to her best friend’s girls, Violet and Rose. She also enjoys spending time with her friends and 4-year-old Mega Mutt named Maverick who is full of personality.
Thank you, Ashley, for being such an amazing CMN advocate!