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Extra Life United 2018… #NotGameOver

Every year, gamers from all over the US & Canada gather in Orlando, Florida, for Extra Life United (ELU) to compete in a $150,000 prize pool that will turn into a donation for the CMN hospital of their choice. CMN of Greater Kansas City is excited to have two gamers from our market and compete on behalf of sick and injured kids treated at KU Medical Center Pediatrics, Jessie Bledsoe and JT Galloway.

While at ELU, Jessie and JT will not only have the opportunity to compete, but participate in panels, workshops and general sessions to take their fundraising to the next level. Get to know Jessie and JT and watch them compete LIVE with some help from our friends at Twitch!

Jessie Bledsoe

Game/Gaming Style of choice? I really enjoy story Heavy games, or the gameplay affects the story of the game. I can get taken into the world and get invested as the character I’m playing.

How long have you been gaming? I’ve played games since I can remember playing Super Mario Brothers with my older brothers in the early 90s, even if the controller wasn’t plugged in sometimes.

How did you get involved with Extra Life KC? My work was actually hosting a Game Day and I signed up to play! I thought something I like to do in my spare time can help someone? Sign me up!

What is your “why” for gaming for Extra Life? I participate in Extra Life because my nephew was diagnosed with Leukemia at 6 months old. He was always cracking jokes and made sure everyone had a smile on their face. He lost his battle at 13 and the feeling that our family had motivated me to do jump in when I heard about Extra Life. I want to bring a positive light into a tough time for a family and hopefully, they will never have the feeling of losing a child.


JT Gallaway

Game/Gaming Style of choice? I play quite a few different games but my favorites are strategy and FPS video games.

How long have you been gaming? I have been gaming ever since I found an Atari in my grandmother’s house. I had no idea what it was…and then spent the next 4 days glued to the TV. I quickly got a Nintendo with Mario and Duck Hunt and the rest is history.

How did you get involved with Extra Life KC? I’m a fun conductor (yes, not making this up) and so I put together a video game marathon day at work. I scoped out Extra Life as a way to do this and help kids in the process. Ever since then, I’ve been getting more and more involved by first the event, then streaming it year round, being a part of the official Extra Life Stream Team, setting up other companies for a video game marathon, and finally part of the Extra Life KC Guild.

What is your “why” for gaming for Extra Life? One big reason I really believe in Extra Life is my cousin. She came down with cancer early/mid-2016 and is still currently battling it. She had to have daily hospital visits, rounds of chemo, something either put in or taken out of her every 2 hours (even at night), and 24-7 care throughout her 3rd and 4th birthdays. After seeing what her family went through, financial struggles, and just the constant barrage of negative things I knew I couldn’t sit around and let this happen to others.